Hummingbird Food

Why is the Encore Azalea Unique?

Azaleas plants are actually an evergreen shrub that flowers.  Azaleas are actually poisonous to humans.  Did you know these facts?    Azaleas can come in a wide range of colors including purple, pink, and rarer species come in shades of red or even blue.

Azaleas usually only bloom once a season, usually late in the spring.  In 1997, a new and unique species of Azalea was released called the Encore Azalea.  What makes this particular species of Azalea unique is that it flowers three times a year.  This is a great feature because you will be able to enjoy its beautiful blooms longer and it will help keep the hummingbirds around your yard longer.

When do you plant Azaleas?  This can be done at any point during the warm season, even if they are in bloom, and doing so will not stunt its growth or harm flower production.  In general, Azaleas are easy to care for, but there are some things that you need to keep in mind whenever you plant them.

The amount of sun required will depend on the variety of Azaleas you select.  Some will grow in full sun while others will require far less sun. Azaleas should be grown in raised beds. The soil must be kept moist but not overly so.  It is important to use mulch, peat moss and other organic materials in generous amounts. These plants grow well in acid conditions. A root stimulator should be added and it is necessary to keep them well mulched. Lastly, an important reminder, Azaleas should be fertilized after they have boomed.

Best of luck using Azaleas to attract hummingbirds to your yard.  Try using the Encore Azalea and your blooms will last even longer and it will be another plant on which the hummingbirds can feed.


Cuban Emerald Hummingbird

The name of the Cuban Emerald Hummingbird fascinates me and even brings to mind my mom who loved hummingbirds and  had various types of jewelery, including emeralds.  This particular hummingbird can be said to be one of the various jewels of the hummingbird word.  Here is some fascinating information about this species.

The Cuban Emerald Hummingbird lives in the woodlands and can be found in the Northern Bahamas, Cuba, and although quite rare it is even known to be a vagrant of southern Florida.

One thing that is unique about both sexes of the Cuban Emerald Hummingbird, both sexes are known to have a white spot behind their eyes.

Here is what you should look for if you are ever fortunate enough to spot a male or female Cuban Emerald Hummingbird.  The information is intended to assist you in your identification of the species.

The male Cuban Emerald Hummingbird is green in color, which is probably obvious from its name, has a blackish colored tail and white under tailcoverts, the lower mandible is mostly pinkish in color and their tail is forked.

The female Cuban Emerald Hummingbird is said to be green to bronze-green above and dusty violet on the tail.

My mom love things of beauty and brilliance, so I am certain that she would have appreciated the Cuban Emerald Hummingbird as a true jewel of nature.  While it is extremely unlikely that she would have ever had the opportunity to view one firsthand, I feel certain she would have loved discovering about this hummingbird species and I hope that you will also.

Hummingbird Pictures

Why Use a Hummingbird Blind?

Hummingbirds move so quickly that it is often difficult or almost impossible to capture that ever elusive photograph that you desire.  Successfully accomplishing this task will likely take a great deal of time and willingness to wait before your efforts will be rewarded, so you may as well be comfortable while you do so.  This post will offer some suggestions on things that you can do to get closer to the hummingbirds you want to photograph and how to be comfortable while taking the photographs you desire.

The use of a portable “outhouse” type of hummingbird blind can be quite helpful.  This type of blind is commonly called a “hide.”  This allows you to remain out of sight of the hummingbird and thus you will be far less likely to startle the bird with your actions.

The blind should be placed between the feeder and the sun in the late evening so you will not have to worry about the feeder being in the shade.

The blind should be up at least a day before you take the photos. This will allow the birds will become used to it being there. There is no time limit as to how long the blind can remain up, as long as the birds remain in your area.

Keep this in mind, sudden movement or motion startles hummingbirds. That is why the use of a hummingbird blind is useful when trying to take photos of hummingbirds because your movements will be far less likely to startle the hummingbirds and you will therefore be more likely to capture the hummingbird photograph you desire.

Dear Mom

Saw First Hummingbird of the Season

If you have been following this blog for any length of time now, you are aware that this blog is dedicated to my mom and our shared love of hummingbirds. In a recent post, I was saying that I wish I would finally see my first hummingbird of the season, but that at the time that original post was written it had not yet happened.  Well, as of earlier today my wish was finally granted.  Yea!

While outside searching for a friend who was sitting outside enjoying some sunshine, it happened.  There it was sitting in a tree getting some nectar from the flowers… what I believe to be a Ruby-throated Hummingbird.  I  did not want to disturb the bird and make it fly away too quickly, so I stayed still and at some distance away until it finished feeding.  The reason I believe it to be a Ruby-throated Hummingbird is because they are the most common species of hummingbird found in our area, southeast Texas.

Regardless of the birds actual species, it was a thrill to have finally seen my first hummingbird of the season for many reasons.  I saw the hummingbird as a symbolic reminder to me that my mom is still with me and will always be so.  Also, in the past few years, for unknown reasons, there have been far fewer hummingbirds in the area then previously.

I can truly imagine that my mom is up in Heaven looking down on me and smiling, fully aware of the joy I felt at finally seeing my first hummingbird of the season.  As a hummingbird enthusiast, I hope that you to will soon be fortunate enough to experience that same thrill yourself, if you have not already done so this season.  Take the time to enjoy the great outdoors and all that nature has to offer.

Hummingbird Feeders Hummingbird Videos

Gardening: Caring for Plants: How to Attract Hummingbirds to a Feeder

This video explains how to use hummingbird feeders to help attract hummingbirds to your yard, and why it is necessary to use trumpet shaped flowers along with your feeders to draw the hummingbirds to your yard.