Dear Mom Hummingbird Food

Bright Flowers Mean Sweeter Nectar

It is probably universally known that hummingbirds are attracted to red, but it turns out that there is a real reason to explain why hummingbirds prefer brightly colored flowers.  So what is this reason?  In many cases, although there are exceptions, the brighter the flower the sweeter the nectar which is inside it.

I find this discovery quite surprising and interesting.  I’m always amazed by the fascinating information which I continually discover on my quest to constantly add to my knowledge of the fascinating creature known as the hummingbird. 

This discovery is the kind of fact about hummingbirds that my mom would have enjoyed knowing.  I hope you also like it as well.  What else would you like to discover about hummingbirds?  Let me know and the topic may result in a future post. 

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