Hummingbird Food

Food Producing Plants for Hummingbirds

There are many food producing plants which will attract hummingbirds. These include the following trees and bushes: Azaleas, Mimosa, Weigela, Cape Honeysuckle and Flowering Quince. You can also have a perennial bed with Bee Balm, Columbine, Lupine, Coral Bells and Cannas.

Why not consider planting your own variety of annuals yourself from seed rather then buying them from a local plant nursery? It is interesting that many plants which are nursery grown tend to have less nectar then those which are grown from seed. Why this is I cannot explain, because I could not find an explanation in my research.

There are a wide range of annuals that you can to plant. The following are only offered as suggestions and not intended to be a complete list. A few suggestions include the following: Fuchsia, Impatiens, Petunias and Firespike.

The hummingbirds that visit your yard will be so pleased with the numerous varieties of plants on which to feed as well as the tiny bugs which will provide a valuable source of protein for the hummingbird’s diet.

Hummingbird Food Hummingbirds

Is It Easier to Attract Hummingbirds In the Fall?

In my personal opinion, in the fall it is easier to attract hummingbirds than in the spring. This post will explain why I believe this to be true.

In the fall hummingbirds will be searching for their winter feeding territory. As a result, hummingbirds are much more likely to linger at a good feeding spot and may remain there for between one to two weeks.

You will want to be sure and continue to provide food for the hummingbirds until the late fall. This will provide migrating hummingbirds food on which to feed along their long migratory journey. My best advice is that you leave your hummingbird feeders up for at least two weeks after you have seen your last hummingbird. This will ensure that that there is an available food source for any vagrant hummingbirds that still remain in the area after the other hummingbirds have left the area.

Please do not worry that leaving your feeders up in the fall will prevent the hummingbirds from migrating because this is simply not true. What will determine when migration occurs is a change in the length of the day or what is known as photoperiod.

Let me state the obvious, yes it is possible to attract hummingbirds in the spring also. People do it all the time and you should continue to try to do so as well, but this post is simply to explain why I think attracting hummingbirds is easier in the fall. Your personal opinion on this subject may also be affected by where it is that you live. Feel free to let me know how you feel concerning this matter.

Hummingbird Food Hummingbirds

Hummingbird Migration Information

Are you someone whom is aware of the fact that hummingbirds migrate but after that you do not know anything about the migration habits of these birds? Well, then you are not alone and today’s post will provide you with some useful facts regarding hummingbird migration habits.

Many hummingbird species are known to migrate twice a year, in the spring and in the fall. It may surprise you to know that not every species of hummingbird migrates. During any hummingbird season you may see an occasional hummingbird remain around well after the others have left the area. This is usually due to the bird being unable to survive the migratory journey and the best thing you can do is leave your feeders up to help provide these birds with a source of food. The flowers and plants that also help feed the hummingbirds may no longer be blooming so this makes your feeder an even more vital food source.

Prior to making the long migratory journey, it is necessary for the hummingbird to gain a vast amount of body weight, between 25-40 percent of its body weight. This is vital to the bird’s survival while making the long migratory journey.

Different hummingbird species will take a different migration path. Hummingbirds choose to make this journey alone rather then in groups. Doing this means that the available food source does not have to be shared.

A hummingbird will follow the exact same route year after year. The route that will always be followed is the same exact route that was taken the first time the bird made a migration journey. As a result, it is possible for the hummingbird to return to the same exact flower or food source that it visited in the past. This astounds me! What about you? After all, how is it possible for the hummingbird to remember the exact flower or food source it has visited in the past, especially given that a hummingbird will visit between 1.000-2,000 flowers per day!

I hope that you have enjoyed discovering a little bit about the amazing migratory journey of the hummingbird. If you are like me, this is just yet another of the many things you admire about the hummingbird.

Hummingbird Food Hummingbirds

Flowers Have Some Advantages Over Hummingbird Feeders

Just because you want to attract hummingbirds does not mean that you must have hummingbird feeders in your yard to accomplish this endeavor. The use of flowers and plants are a great natural way to attract hummingbirds to your yard. There are even some advantages to using flowers and plants rather then using hummingbird feeders. This post will explain why flowers are such an effective way to draw the hummingbirds to your yard.

Many people would say that caring for flowers is a far easier thing to do rather then caring for hummingbird feeders. Here are a few reasons why. The flowers are easier to manage then the feeders because the flowers do not require that you clean them or refill with nectar solution. Also, keep in mind that by planting flowers which are known to attract hummingbirds, you will be adding color and beauty to your yard as well as adding the pleasant aroma of these flowers to the air.

Flowers are also known to draw insects and spiders. These are sources of protein for the hummingbird and this is vital to the hummingbird’s survival because it cannot survive on nectar alone. Also, many flowers and plants depend on the hummingbird to pollinate it and without this assistance these flowers and plants would not be able to reproduce.

Do not feel guilty if you would rather draw the hummingbirds to your yard with flowers and plants instead of the use of hummingbird feeders. You are not alone in this choice and there are advantages to this choice. Regardless, you will still find that plenty of hummingbirds will visit your yard.

Hummingbird Food

A 3:1 Ratio for Nectar Soulution Explained

The sugar content of most flowers which are commonly known to attract hummingbirds is approximately 25%. If you want to make your sugar solution closer to the sugar content found in most flowers, then use 3 parts water to one part sugar. This sugar concentration, approximately 23% by weight, is closer to the nectar content of most hummingbird flowers. This mixture will also freeze more slowly in the winter.