Hummingbird Feeders

Tips for Choosing a Hummingbird Feeder

Hummingbird feeders come in literally all forms of shapes, sizes and designs. It is best that the hummingbird feeder can be cleaned and hangs easily the feeder should be sturdy and must have limited number of parts that can be lost or broken. The hummingbird feeders on the market today have either a glass or plastic nectar reservoir.

Glass hummingbird feeders are easy to cleaned but will shatter if dropped. Plastic feeders are cheaper then those glass nectar reservoirs but over time the discoloration due to sun exposure is notable.

The size of the hummingbird feeder you will want to purchase will largely depend on the number of hummingbirds in your area. If you are new at trying to attract hummingbirds or you are not sure how many birds will visit your yard, my advice is to start out will a smaller sized feeder to begin with and then add a bigger one or a greater number of feeders as the number of birds visiting your yard increases. Small feeders typically have only a port for feeding while larger feeders have three or more. Many of which may provide perches for hummingbirds to rest upon while feeding.

Many of the hummingbird feeders on the market today have a lot of red on them, but this is not absolutely necessary, because there are other ways to draw the birds to your feeders. Placing your feeders near plants which are known to attract hummingbirds is a great thing to do to entice the birds to your feeder. Another tip is to place a red ribbon on the feeder as this will usually capture the attention of the hummingbirds.

It is also extremely important that when you choose a hummingbird feeder that it has excellent protection from the ants because of the great problems the ants can cause. The best advice I can offer is that you purchase a hummingbird feeder with an “ant moat.” The “ant moat” is a device which you fill with water and then hang above the feeder and it prevents from getting to the food source.

In my own personal opinion, I would not recommend that you purchase feeders that are yellow in color. The reason for this is that bees and are greatly attracted to this color and this is something which should be avoided if possible.

It is my sincere hope that these suggestions will make the task of selecting a hummingbird feeder much easier and far less intimidating for all of you. You now have no reason not to purchase the hummingbird feeder you have been wanting but were hesitant to purchase. You will be glad you did so and the birds will be so thankful to you!

Hummingbird Feeders Hummingbird Food

Various Food Sources Will Attract Hummingbirds

Hummingbirds love to eat and must do so quite frequently in order to ensure their very survival. A hummingbird will feed about every 10 minutes with each feeding only lasting 30-60 seconds. Food is not only vital to the hummingbird’s very survival, but it as also a great way to attract the hummingbirds to feed in your yard. This post will examine the three methods of how to provide food for the birds.

Plants are the first method by which you can provide food for hummingbirds. A great thing to do is to plant on nectar-rich flowers on which the hummingbirds can feed. Yes, red is a color which is known to attract hummingbirds, but what is far more important is that the flowers you plant produce plenty of nectar. Some plants which are known to do this include the flowing: Bleeding hearts, impatiens, petunias, salvias, bee balm, columbine, cannas, and many others. If you want to attract the hummingbirds without the use of flowers then you can do so with the use of red or purple gazing balls which will also attract hummingbirds as well.

The use of nectar feeders is probably the most common way people use to try and attract hummingbirds to your yard. There are a wide range of feeder styles is available on the market today, including inverted tubes and saucer dishes. These feeders may come with wasp, hornet and ant guards, and they are often colored red to help attract hummingbirds. You may buy commercial nectar solution or make your own. I would recommend making your own because it is easy to do and far less expensive then the mix you buy. Also, the mix you buy may have red dye in it and this can be harmful to the hummingbirds.

Insects are also known to be an important part of the hummingbird’s diet because it provides a valuable source of protein to the bird. They also eat a large quantity of insects, including spiders. In order to draw the hummingbirds to backyard insects, you should avoid using pesticides or insecticides that will kill off this food source and choose flowering plants that are also attractive to insects.

Hummingbird Feeders

Where Should a Hummingbird Feeder Be Placed?

Anyone who knows me well knows that I am an avid hummingbird enthusiast, so I am often asked a wide variety of questions on the subject of hummingbirds and topics which also relate to hummingbirds. It truly thrills me to be able to answer these type of questions. Here recently a number of people have ask me about the proper placement of their hummingbird feeders, so that is what has prompted me to write today’s post.

There is no such thing as the “perfect” spot to place your hummingbird feeder. You can place your feeder anywhere you would like, but my recommendation would be to place the feeder in a location where you can see it from a window in your home and also somewhere it is easy to get to because you will have to clean and refill it quite frequently. If you make this task to difficult you will not do it and then you would not get to enjoy the hummingbirds.

The easiest thing to do is to hang the feeder from a tree. The birds like this because it allows them to perch on the branches, which act as a form of cover for the birds, and then whenever the birds wish it is easy for them to fly to the feeder and get a drink.

Another suggestion is to hang your feeder a few feet from a birdbath. Since hummingbirds enjoy water sources, the birds will likely want to get a drink or clean themselves before or after eating and this is a way to try and increase the activity at your feeders.

You will want to place your feeders out of the wind and sun. Hanging the feeder where there is too much wind can cause the nectar solution to possibly slosh out of the feeder due to the windy conditions. Placing feeders directly in an area that receives too much sunlight can cause the nectar solution to ferment or spoil too rapidly. This can harm the hummingbirds and cause the birds to no longer trust your food source. If a feeder is made of plastic, too much sun exposure will cause the plastic to crack and fade as a result of prolonged exposure to the sunlight.

A hummingbird feeder should never be placed too close to a window. If the feeder is placed to close to a window, it is possible that the bird may fly into the window by mistake and then either stun or kill itself.

Cats are the number one predator of the hummingbird. In an effort to ensure that your cat is unable to harm the hummingbirds, your feeder should be placed well up off the ground. One source that I read suggested that five feet was the recommended height for a feeder if there are cats in the area.

As you can see from reading this post, there is no such thing as the “perfect” spot in which to place your hummingbird feeder. Keeping these suggestions in mind will help you attract the greatest number of hummingbirds possible as well as being able to enjoy these wonderful birds to the fullest.

Hummingbird Feeders Hummingbird Food

How Much Time Does a Hummingbird Feed at a Feeder?

Hummingbird feeders are a great way to entice a hummingbird to your yard. Have you ever wondered how much time a hummingbird actually spends feeding at a hummingbird feeder versus other food sources? This post will provide you with the surprising answer.

Many studies would indicate that birds which have easy access to feeders only use the feeders to supply 20% of their daily rations of food. Birds are known to instinctively forage for food by visiting a wide variety of locations during the day and they will never become dependent on one particular source of food. So do not worry if your feeders should become empty or should need to be removed for any reason because the birds will find an alternate food source.

In fact, hummingbirds prefer natural nectar sources over artificial ones when the natural nectar supply is abundant. When it comes to selecting a food source, what is most important is the quantity and quality of the nectar which is available. Whenever choosing a flower, the hummingbird will select the flower with the highest nectar output and the richest concentration of sugars, regardless of the shape or color of the flower. Also, more important than the color of the flower is how the nectar taste.

Once the natural nectar supply is available in less abundance, the hummingbirds will once again return to your feeders for their food supply. The birds are appreciative of it and you will begin to see them appear with greater regularity as the natural nectar supply becomes less plentiful. Do not stop putting out hummingbird feeders just because it does not seem that the birds are visiting it very often. Eventually, the birds will be looking for it as a food source and its availability could help the hummingbirds very survival by helping prevent the birds from starving to death, which can happen in as little as two hours.

Hummingbird Feeders Hummingbird Videos

How to Choose a Hummingbird Feeder—A Fat Finch Video

If the task of choosing a hummingbird feeder seems a bit overwhelming, then this video will make the task much simpler. Roberta Beyer, owner of The Fat Finch, will help you discover why you want to select a feeder with lots of red on it, one that is easy to clean and fill, and one that does not leak or drip. You will also discover the advantages of both the bottle and saucer feeders as well as about a window feeder. Lastly, you will discover information about ant moats and weather guards for your hummingbird feeders.