Dear Mom

Are There Endangered Hummingbird Species?

Have you ever considered the exact number of hummingbird species which exist?  Or whether any of those same species might be considered to be endangered?  Well, if so then this post will provide you with the answers you are seeking and much more.

There are a wide number of hummingbird species.  The exact number of species will depend on the specific source which you consult.  One source source I consulted indicated that there were between 330-340 different species while another one stated that there are some 356 different species of hummingbirds.  Regardless, there are a vast number of hummingbird species.

Of the various hummingbird species, are there any which are considered to be endangered?  Yes, according to the Word of Hummingbirds website there are some 51 different species of hummingbirds which have some type of endangered species status.

Now, you may be wondering just what the term endangered means in this particular situation.  Endangered means that the 51 different hummingbird species that currently have this status are in danger of extinction unless immediate protective measures are taken.

It is a shame that so many different hummingbirds could be lost forever unless immediate protective measures are taken.  I hope that the correct measures can be taken to help ensure the survival of these different hummingbird species so that they will still remain for future generations to enjoy.

Dear Mom

What are Flight Feathers?

Hummingbird flight is an amazing thing to watch.  These tiny little dynamos of flight can put on quite the aerial display.  Did you ever consider the act of fight would not be possible without what is known as flight feathers.  This post explains what is meant by the term flight feathers and some other facts about hummingbird feathers.  

The flight the flight feathers of the hummingbird are made up of the broad, stiff feathers of the hummingbird’s wings that make the act of flight actually possible.  The feathers are divided into two categories:  the primaries or what is known as the outer feathers and the secondaries or the inner feathers.

A hummingbird of average size will have about 940 feathers.  Does that seem like a lot to you?  It does to me only because these birds are so extremely tiny.  It may also fascinate you to discover that hummingbirds have the greatest number of feathers per square inch on their body then any other type of bird in the animal kingdom.


The Tail is Key Identifcation Tool

Many species of hummingbirds can be quite difficult to identify.  Looking at the tail can be a good way to help you identify the various parts of the hummingbird.  You will want to determine if the tail contains any white or rufous spots. It is also important to determine where the spots are on the tail. How big are the spots?

Dear Mom

What is the Hummingbird’s Helmet?

Interesting facts or information about hummingbirds makes me think of you mom.  Today’s post is no different.  Did you know that some species of hummingbirds have what is known as a helmet?  Well, it’s true they do.  It is only found on certain species of hummingbirds though.  Why is this?  I don’t know the answer to this question.

So, what is the helmet on a hummingbird?  The helmet is a bright-colored area located on the forehead and crown of some hummingbirds, but not all hummingbird species have this.  

Hummingbird Feeders

No Vaseline or Other Oils on the Feeder

Ants are a common problem many people experience with regard to their hummingbird feeders.   As a result, people are always seeking ways to solve this pesky and challenging issue.  The best solution to this problem is to block their passage to the feeder.  This blog has many various post on how to accomplish this successfully, but this particular post will examine why things like Vaseline, tanglefoot or other oils should not be used on the hummingbird feeder.

For anyone who may have been following this blog for quite a while now, this is a change from what I have said on this subject in the past.  In my own defense though, I did not know that those things could do harm to the hummingbirds.  After all, no hummingbird enthusiast can possibly know everything there is to know on an particular subject because new information is constantly being discovered.  I regret the error and wanted to make this new information available to you as soon as possible. 

I have just recently discovered that things like Vaseline or tanglefoot, which is a sticky substance commonly found in garden stores, or other oils should never be use on hummingbird feeders.  If you, like my mom, have tried this before don’t feel too guilty; you are not alone in having done this.  I just want to point out why this should no  longer be done. 

The reason that things like Vaseline, tanglefoot or other oils should not be used is because these substances can get on the hummingbird’s feathers and cause the bird’s feathers to stick together and thus make it difficult for the hummingbird to properly clean itself or it may even prevent the bird from being able to fly. because its feathers have stuck together.  

This never occurred to me before.  What about you?  I just know that I don’t want to intentionally cause harm to the hummingbirds and I’m sure you don’t either.