Hummingbird Videos

Hummingbirds: Where Do Hummingbirds Sleep?

Have you ever wondered if hummingbirds sleep?  If so, where do they sleep?  This video explains all about the state of torpor that hummingbirds enter whenever they sleep and how they are able to survive the night while sleeping.


When Do Young Hummingbirds Leave the Nest?

After the nestlings are born it is the female who is responsible for the care and rearing of the young.  Have you ever wondered how long this whole process takes?  Well, by human standards it only takes a slit second versus the 18 -21 years of age for your child to reach adulthood.  The nestlings will leave the nest after only 21 days.  I don’t know about you, but to me that doesn’t seem like enough time to prepare the young how to face all the challenges of survival.  This must be nature’s way to trying to ensure that the various species of hummingbirds will continue well into the future.

Hummingbird Videos

Hummingbirds:What Do Hummingbirds Look Like?

Have you ever wondered how to tell someone what a hummingbird actually looks like?  This short and enformative will video will help you do so more effectively.  The video contains many intresting facts about the hummingbird that will help you to do so more effectively.    

Dear Mom

Long Absence Number 2 Explained

This is Hummingbird here.I am sorry that there has not been any new post in quite sometime, but the reason for it was quite unexpected and could not be avoided; I was once again recently hospitalized without warning.Once again, my right leg was extremely swollen, reddish, bruised and hot to the touch so I was readmitted to the hospital.

It was determined that I still had a condition known as Cellulitis, an infection that gets into the body often as the result of a cut, scratch or bug bite. The doctors still are uncertain as to why I developed the condition in the first place. As a result, I was then admitted to the hospital once again and given massive doses of IV antibiotics for the next several days. This time a variety of test were also run but unfortunately there is no definitive answers on how to teat and prevent the condition.

I am not yet back to feeling full strength yet. I am still weak and tire quite easily and even still have some discomfort in my leg and foot. At the moment, the doctors and I are left trying to find the necessary answers. Please pray that the necessary answers will soon be found, because this condition is extremely painful and difficult to continually endure.

Please forgive that there have not been any new post for so long, but my absence could not be avoided or predicted.