Hummingbird Food

Never Microwave Nectar Solution

Because it is alright to boil hummingbird nectar solution, have you ever considered putting it in the microwave oven to bring it to a boil? If so, I’m sure you are not alone. This is a huge mistake and should never be done! Here is what I discovered on this subject.
You should never use the microwave to heat your homemade nectar solution. The microwave will heat the nectar solution hotter than boiling water and this causes a breakdown of the water molecules which makes the nectar solution to no longer suitable as hummingbird food.
I’m quite sure that no one who enjoys hummingbirds would ever intentionally harm these magnificent birds. So, if you have mistakenly ever heated you nectar solution in the microwave try not to feel too guilty. After all, we all make mistakes and must learn from them. Take the knowledge you have discovered here and share it with others to help prevent them from making the same mistake. You will feel good about helping someone else gain new knowledge and also about helping to insure the health of the hummingbirds.
Hummingbird Videos

Hummingbirds Edit 2008

This video is made up of photographs of hummingbirds from the Oregon Coast.  Many of the photos are very beautiful and capture the birds up close. I am not sure why the video is entitled as it is if the photos were taken in 2007, but the title I have given it is what the video was given on YouTube so I kept it the same.

Why Separate Territories?

Did you know that female and male hummingbirds form separate territories? Well, they do. Do you know why? If not, this post will give you the answer.
The female has her own separate territory where the nest is built. The female does not want the male in the area where the nest is built, because the male’s brightly colored feathers could draw attention to him and thus place the nesting site and the young at great risk.    
The male hummingbird also has its own territory. The male will have his own territory as a way to try and protect a food source. With some species of hummingbirds, all the males will gather together and sing to a female as a way of enticing her into the territory.
Hummingbird Videos

Birds of Belize-Hummingbirds

This video shows many species of hummingbirds found in Belize, many of which may not be found in the United States.  The video includes the following species: the Stripe-Throated Hermit, White-Bellied Emerald, Rufous-Tailed Hummingbird, Scaly-Breasted Hummingbird.   

The Hummingbird’s Beak

The beak is very important to the hummingbird, because it is what they use to probe into the flowers. On these tiny birds, the beak can seem quite unusual or out of proportion to their body size. Here are some facts about the beak of a hummingbird that you may not have known before. It is my hope that you will find them to be both interesting and informative.
  • A hummingbird’s beak is generally shaped the same as any other bird beak, but it is longer in proportion to its body.
  • The edges of the hummingbird’s top beak will overlap the edges of the hummingbird’s bottom beak.
  • The hummingbird’s bottom beak is slightly flexible.
  • Hummingbirds do not use their beaks like a straw. They lap up nectar with their tongues. The hummingbird with take up to 13 licks per second.