Missing Anatomy Features

The anatomy of the hummingbird is quite unique among some mammals and other birds. What makes it so unique and different is that that they have a number of missing parts. This post will examine what they are and explain why this occurred.
Hummingbirds have no bladder or gall bladder! Without a bladder, where is the urine of a hummingbird is stored until it is excreted? It is equally fascinating to discover that a male hummingbird does not have a penis. The female hummingbird has only one ovary, the left ovary.
The missing anatomy features are believed to be the result of the hummingbird’s extremely small size. It appears that the deleting of duplicate organs was nature’s way of making enough room for the vital organs.
Hummingbird Videos

Evolution: How Does Evolution Really Work?

This video takes place in Ecuador and examins how the process of natural selection operates in populations of rainforest hummingbirds.

Hummingbird Feeders

Gain the Attention of Hummingbirds

The use of a hummingbird feeder is a very simple and easy way to attract hummingbirds. Then the question becomes, “where is the best place to hang the feeder?” There is no perfect answer to this question, but the guidelines listed below will help you select where you wish to place your hummingbird feeder or feeders.
  • First and foremost, you want the feeders to gain the attention of the hummingbirds! If for any reason the feeder needs to be moved later, you can do so. The birds will look for it even after you move it, because they have learned that your yard is a dependable food source.
  • In warmer weather, place the feeder in a shady area. The cooler the feeder, the less likely it is to leak or drip. Also, your nectar solution won’t spoil as quickly.
  • Placing the feeder in a shady area will prevent the sunlight’s ultraviolet rays from damaging as quickly the materials of which the feeder is made.
  • If you are having trouble with aggressive hummingbirds and you have multiple feeders, then place the feeders at least 30 feed apart from each other. This seems to keep the number of confrontations between the birds to a minimum.
Be sure and place your feeders where you can easily view it. After all, isn’t that the primary reason any bird enthusiast chooses to hang one? Happy bird watching everyone!

A Little Hummingbird History

Hummingbirds have been around for longer then you might ever imagine.  The information that follows comes from the World of Hummingbirds.  The hummingbird first appreared in artwork in the year 1829, which gave the birds worldwide exposure.  The first known book on the subject of hummingbirds was published in 1940 by a man named Bent.



Hummingbird Food

What is Natural Pest Control?

Natural pest control is nature’s version of insect repellant without the use of harmful chemicals. Traditional pesticides are harmful to hummingbirds and should never be used because the hummingbird can ingest the pesticide while feeding on insects and spiders.  Plants such as marigold and mint will act as natural insect repellents.
Attracting lady bugs to your garden is another method of natural pest control. The following plants are known to attract lady bugs:  Angelica, Caraway, Cilantro, Coreopsis, Cosmos (particularly white), Dandelions, Dill, Fennel, Geraniums, Tansy and Yarrow. It is also possible to purchase ladybugs from some garden supply stores. You would need to ask the ones in your area to see if they sell them.
Why not give natural pest control a try in your hummingbird garden? It is simple change to make and it will help insure that the plants in your garden are a safe food source for the hummingbirds that visit your garden.