Hummingbird Food

Bee Balm

Bee Balm is also known by the species name Mindarda didyma. The plant serves both edible and medicinal purposes. It can also be used effectively to attract hummingbirds. With the name bee balm, one could easily assume that this plant would more effectively draw bees rather then hummingbirds, but this is not the case because the bees have great difficulty getting to the nectar.

Native Americans have used Bee Balm as a form of medicine for a long time. They have believed for a long time that bee balm could be used to cure minor skin infections and to help heal minor wounds. The plant also possesses strong antiseptic qualities. The plant can also be used and brewed into a tea that can be used to treat throat infections and dental conditions such as gingivitis and other dental conditions. Bee Balm is a natural source of Thymol, which is the main ingredient in modern mouthwash.  

There are many uses of Bee Balm. It is edible when used as a pot herb, and it is also used as a flavoring in cooked foods. The flowers make an attractive edible garnish in salads. The plant is noted for its fragrance, and is a source of oil of thyme. Bee Balm is said to have a flavor very similar to Oregano.   The fresh or dried leaves are brewed into a refreshing aromatic and medicinal tea. An infusion of young Bee Balm leaves used to form a common beverage in many parts of the United States. This plant has also been known to be planted with tomatoes and has had positive effects on the flavor. Yes, humans have been known to consume this plant, but it is the hummingbird that is the biggest fan of this plant.

Various reports and studies indicate that this plant is among the favorite, if not the favorite, plant of hummingbirds to eat. So if you are looking to attract hummingbirds through the use of plants rather then using a hummingbird feeder, this is the plant for you that will have the hummingbirds swarming to your yard.
This plant is one that is strong and does well with other plants. This plant does well in difficult climates and can be found throughout most of the United States. This plant can add a source of color to your vegetable garden when you mix it in with tomatoes or other plants typically found in a vegetable garden.
If you wish to grow Bee Balm, here are some tips that will help ensure your success with this plant. It is easily grown in ordinary garden soil and it also grows well in heavy clay soils. It should be planted somewhere that has part shade to sunny place to grow. This species thrives when grown in a dry soil and prefers alkaline soil conditions. Bee Balm is best started from plants which spread like crazy, but will grow from seed as well. Unfortunately, it often gets spotted with a mold like affliction. 
This plant is a unique way to attract hummingbirds to your yard and it is also an herb that offers many health benefits. Why not give it a try? You and the hummingbirds will be glad you did. 

Olympic Champions of the Aviary World

The 2008 Summer Olympics are officially underway in China.This a time when the athletes of the world come together to compete against one another for the glory of their individual countries as well as the fulfillment of the athlete’s personal dream as well as years of personal training. Although not every athlete who competes in the Olympic Games will bring home a medal, in my book, they are all winners because they are part of such a select group of individuals that were choose to represent their country on the ultimate sports stage, the Olympic Games.Congratulations one an all on your remarkable achievement! Your countrymen and the world are proud of you and we will be watching and cheering as you put forth your best efforts.

Now, you may be wondering, what does the Olympic Games have to do with hummingbirds? Well, let me explain. These birds are so extremely tiny in size, they go at such amazing speeds and more that this has made me declare them the gold medal winners within the aviary world. This is just my own personal opinion, but I believe that you will agree with me by the time you finish reading this post.

Let’s look at the size of the hummingbird.The smallest hummingbird is the Bee Hummingbird which is found in Cuba. It is only 2 1/4 inches long and weighs just under 2 grams. The largest hummingbird is the Giant Hummingbird, which weighs between 21 and 23 grams. So much for be the giant of the species! How do birds that size accomplish all that they do?

Let’s look at the sheer speed of the hummingbird. While at rest, a hummingbird takes 250 breaths per minute. The heart rate of a hummingbird is 1,260 times per minute.Hummingbirds travel at an average speed of 25-30 miles per hour.

The fight of the hummingbird is totally unique within the aviary world. When in flight, the hummingbird’s wings will beat 22-78 times per second. They can fly forward, backward, and upside down. They fly backwards by spreading their tail and then doing a backwards somersault. Also, the pectoral or flight muscles of a hummingbird accounts for 1/4 of its total body weight. In humans, the pectoral muscles account for 5 percent of our total body weight.

The hummingbird is the only bird with the ability to fly forwards, backwards, up, down, sideways, or sit in sheer space.This is because the hummingbird has the ability to rotate its wings in a full circle. Whenever hovering, the hummingbird will move their wings forward and backwards in a repeated figure eight. Hummingbirds even have the ability to fly short distances upside down. This is known as a trick rollover and hummingbirds will use this maneuver whenever they are being attacked by another bird.

The metabolism of the hummingbird and its need for food also make it quite unique within the aviary world as well. If the average man’s metabolism was comparable to that of a hummingbird, he would have to eat 285 pounds of hamburger every day in order to maintain his weight. Hummingbirds eat 5 to 8 times in an hour. Each time the hummingbird feeds only last about 30 to 60 seconds in length. The average hummingbird will consume half its weight in sugar each day. An active hummingbird can starve to death in as little as two hours.

It is for all these reasons that I have declared the remarkable hummingbird to be the Olympic champion of the aviary world. The title seems well earned and I do not ever see any other species of bird dethroning the hummingbird of this title.

Hummingbirds Love Water

Hummingbirds love water, so if you’d like to make these birds extremely happy then put out a water mister on a timer that turns on at a certain time of day. The birds will quickly learn what time to arrive for a bath.
Another option to entice hummingbirds with a water feature is through the use of a birdbath. The birdbath should have a very shallow water depth to allow the birds to stand in the water if they choose to do so. Adding some small flat rocks to the birdbath will create different water depths within the birdbath.
Dear Mom

A Day to Remember

Today is August 7, 2008 and it is a very significant date in my family history. It is the date on which my mom and dad would have celebrated their 54th wedding anniversary. It is now a day to be remembered but not truly celebrated because mom passed way on October 16th 2006. Even though my mom is no longer living and can’t be here to celebrate the occasion with my dad, I want my mom to know that she may be gone but she will never be forgotten and she will always be loved by all of us.  
I don’t know how dad will be spending the day. I’m sure it is a difficult time for him. I know that he remembers the importance of this day and will surely mark the occasion in his own unique way. I can’t even begin to imagine just how much dad still loves you and how hard this day will be for him, but I hope it will offer him a small amount of comfort to know that the family also remembers the significance and importance of this day as well.
Thanks mom and dad for teaching us what it was like for a couple to truly love one another. Your marriage was a wonderful example of living out the words within the marriage vows. I feel truly blessed to have had parents that were married to each other and loved one another for over 52 years. In this day and time, that is a truly amazing accomplishment!
So, on this date, I want you to celebrate and honor the love and longevity of the life the two of you shared together. It will always be a date to remember and honor. I love you both very much, mom and dad!

Little Birds with Big Hearts

The hummingbird is a very tiny bird that has a very big heart.  In fact, of all bird species, the hummingbird has the largest known relative heart size.  The heart represents 2.4 percent of their body weight.  Also, the heart of a hummingbird must be very strong in order for it to complete a non-stop flight across the Gulf of Mexico in 18-22 hours.  It is no wonder that these tiny and amazing creatures seem to so easily capture the hearts of birdwatchers everywhere!